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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
5 Reward Star Charts

5 Reward Star Charts

Here are 5 example Star Charts that your children can choose from. Each one has a different theme: School Unicorn Rainbow Princess Dinosaurs All you need is some stickers or felt pens for drawing. There is a blank template included for you to make your own. There is a sample of a worked star chart where stickers have been added for different reasons to make it personal to the child. A motivating tool for behaviour management, assessing progress and/or rewarding children at home and at school.
Letter M Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

Letter M Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

A lovely differentiated resource for phonics work based on the letter M. Sheet 1 is a word mat showing 20 colour pictures beginning with M and their matching words. Children can find the matching pairs, write under the words or draw lines to the pictures from the words. Sheet 2 shows the pictures in the centre and boxes around the outside for children to write the words into. Sheet 3 shows the words and no pictures. Children copy the words underneath and draw or paste pictures into the centre box. Sheet 4 shows pictures with lines in the middle for a list of M words or a sentence /short story using some of the key words and pictures. Sheet 5 - children can either draw 12 of the pictures in the boxes or write 12 words beginning with M. Sheet 6 - shows pictures around the outside. Children can use the space in the middle to draw or write in, or practice their letter M handwriting.
Letter D Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

Letter D Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

A lovely differentiated resource for phonics work based on the letter D. Sheet 1 is a word mat showing 20 colour pictures beginning with D and their matching words. Children can find the matching pairs, write under the words or draw lines to the pictures from the words. Sheet 2 shows the pictures in the centre and boxes around the outside for children to write the words into. Sheet 3 shows the words and no pictures. Children copy the words underneath and draw or paste pictures into the centre box. Sheet 4 shows pictures with lines in the middle for a list of D words or a sentence /short story using some of the key words and pictures. Sheet 5 - children can either draw 12 of the pictures in the boxes or write 12 words beginning with D. Sheet 6 - shows pictures around the outside. Children can use the space in the middle to draw or write in, or practice their letter D handwriting.
Letter C Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

Letter C Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

A lovely differentiated resource for phonics work based on the letter C. Sheet 1 is a word mat showing 20 colour pictures beginning with C and their matching words. Children can find the matching pairs, write under the words or draw lines to the pictures from the words. Sheet 2 shows the pictures in the centre and boxes around the outside for children to write the words into. Sheet 3 shows the words and no pictures. Children copy the words underneath and draw or paste pictures into the centre box. Sheet 4 shows pictures with lines in the middle for a list of C words or a sentence /short story using some of the key words and pictures. Sheet 5 - children can either draw 12 of the pictures in the boxes or write 12 words beginning with C. Sheet 6 - shows pictures around the outside. Children can use the space in the middle to draw or write in, or practice their letter C handwriting.
Letter B Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

Letter B Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

A lovely differentiated resource for phonics work based on the letter B. Sheet 1 is a word mat showing 20 colour pictures beginning with B and their matching words. Children can find the matching pairs, write under the words or draw lines to the pictures from the words. Sheet 2 shows the pictures in the centre and boxes around the outside for children to write the words into. Sheet 3 shows the words and no pictures. Children copy the words underneath and draw or paste pictures into the centre box. Sheet 4 shows pictures with lines in the middle for a list of B words or a sentence /short story using some of the key words and pictures. Sheet 5 - children can either draw 12 of the pictures in the boxes or write 12 words beginning with B. Sheet 6 - shows pictures around the outside. Children can use the space in the middle to draw or write in, or practice their letter B handwriting.
Letter P Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

Letter P Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

A lovely differentiated resource for phonics work based on the letter P. Sheet 1 is a word mat showing 20 colour pictures beginning with P and their matching words. Children can find the matching pairs, write under the words or draw lines to the pictures from the words. Sheet 2 shows the pictures in the centre and boxes around the outside for children to write the words into. Sheet 3 shows the words and no pictures. Children copy the words underneath and draw or paste pictures into the centre box. Sheet 4 shows pictures with lines in the middle for a list of P words or a sentence /short story using some of the key words and pictures. Sheet 5 - children can either draw 12 of the pictures in the boxes or write 12 words beginning with P. Sheet 6 - shows pictures around the outside. Children can use the space in the middle to draw or write in, or practice their letter P handwriting.
Letter T Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

Letter T Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

A lovely differentiated resource for phonics work based on the letter T. Sheet 1 is a word mat showing 20 colour pictures beginning with T and their matching words. Children can find the matching pairs, write under the words or draw lines to the pictures from the words. Sheet 2 shows the pictures in the centre and boxes around the outside for children to write the words into. Sheet 3 shows the words and no pictures. Children copy the words underneath and draw or paste pictures into the centre box. Sheet 4 shows pictures with lines in the middle for a list of T words or a sentence /short story using some of the key words and pictures. Sheet 5 - children can either draw 12 of the pictures in the boxes or write 12 words beginning with T. Sheet 6 - shows pictures around the outside. Children can use the space in the middle to draw or write in, or practice their letter T handwriting.
Letter S Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

Letter S Writing and Drawing Frames KS1

A lovely differentiated resource for phonics work based on the letter S. Sheet 1 is a word mat showing 20 colour pictures beginning with S and their matching words. Children can find the matching pairs, write under the words or draw lines to the pictures from the words. Sheet 2 shows the pictures in the centre and boxes around the outside for children to write the words into. Sheet 3 shows the words and no pictures. Children copy the words underneath and draw or paste pictures into the centre box. Sheet 4 shows pictures with lines in the middle for a list of S words or a sentence /short story using some of the key words and pictures. Sheet 5 - children can either draw 12 of the pictures in the boxes or write 12 words beginning with S. Sheet 6 - shows pictures around the outside. Children can use the space in the middle to draw or write in, or practice their letter S handwriting.
Sorting Feelings Cards into 2 Sets

Sorting Feelings Cards into 2 Sets

3 pages of flashcards showing either happy or sad feeling faces. This resource aims to support children in recognising emotions and being able to express their own emotions. Children cut and sort into 2 sets. There are 12 happy and 12 sad cards. Or you could cut and laminate and reuse in your PSHE lessons. Children could also use the cards - select the one that best describes their feelings at a given time.
Spelling Templates for Homework

Spelling Templates for Homework

3 spelling template sheets for your children to write out their spelling list and take them home for homework. These are differentiated so that children can either take home 4 spellings , 8 or 12 words to learn to spell. There is also a Look, Cover, Write worksheet included, with 4 opportunities for children to practice their spelling/spellings.
Mental Health Feeling Cards /Worksheets

Mental Health Feeling Cards /Worksheets

A set of resources fro children where they can recognise and name emotions / feelings. They can extend their vocabulary to support them in expressing how they feel. There are 24 circular colour feeling cards and the same cards in black and white. There is a worksheet showing 12 emotion faces for children to label. There are 3 worksheets showing 21 emotion faces - 7 per page. Children can write a word or sentence next to the pictures. Cards can be cut and sorted into categories such as happy and sad to begin with and extended to other emotions. Circular cards can be cut out, laminated and added to a keyring for children to use to express how they feel in a given moment. Start with the basic emotions and extend as children become familiar with the others such as frustrated or angry.
Wellbeing Cards for KS1

Wellbeing Cards for KS1

5 colour sheets with 8 wellbeing cards on each to cut out. Each card shows an activity to discuss with children when thinking about their wellbeing and what they can do to support their wellbeing. Cut and laminate the cards and they can then be a lasting reusable resource or added to a wellbeing display. Children could work in pairs or with an adult to consider which of the cards would suit them and which they would not be interested in. They can make 2 piles. If there are other activities children come up with, then they could make some more cards of their own. Links to behaviour regulation. May be valuable too, for SEND children.
Bundle of Shopping Resources for EYFS / KS1

Bundle of Shopping Resources for EYFS / KS1

9 Resources
A collection of resources on to the theme of Shopping . There are 9 resources with a cross curricular link e.g to money, data handling, number, sorting, toys, food, list writing, labelling, maths gamse and comprehension. Something original here for all your children at different ability levels from early learners to KS1 and SEND children.
Shop Sorting Game and Worksheets EYFS KS1

Shop Sorting Game and Worksheets EYFS KS1

A colourful fun game for EYFS and KS1 and suitable too, for SEND. There are 8 shops to cut out - these come in a small size - 8 to a page and a large size - 2 to a page. There are 8 pictures of objects that match each shop to cut out e.g. 8 grocery items to match the grocery shop and 8 different kinds of books to match the book shop. Children work out which item can be purchased at which shop and make collections of pictures. There may be some duplications e.g. toothpaste can match with the grocery shop and the chemist. The game can be played in pairs or small groups or with 1 to 1 adult support. Lots of opportunities for discussion and speaking and listening. There are 3 worksheets for different abilities. Children write 4 items they can purchase at each shop. Children cut out and make pairs of items e.g. shoe shop and a pair of trainers. Children write the name of the shop or write a sentence about the shop and what you can buy there. Extend by adding prices to the items to have a shop corner or money game.
Letter Tracing Cards A to Z with Pictures

Letter Tracing Cards A to Z with Pictures

A set of alphabet cards for children learning to recognize capital letters and write them. Useful for improving fine motor control and handwriting. Each card has dotted lines for joining and then the children can colour or trace inside the letters. The picture prompts will help children to identify the initial sounds. Cut out the cards and laminate and these are great in the writing corner/on the writing table with dry markers.
Handwriting Patterns on Trees

Handwriting Patterns on Trees

18 different patterns for children to practice their fine motor skills in this activity. There are 10 pages with 2 trees on each - each with a different pattern. The last 2 trees are templates for you or the children to make your own patterns.
Bumper Handwriting  Patterns on Baubles

Bumper Handwriting Patterns on Baubles

There are 16 pages showing a different design on each. There are 8 baubles on each page. There is also a bauble template for you to use to create more patterns of your own, or the children can make their own. Children can practice their handwriting / fine motor skills with these activity sheets and then colour in the baubles, cut them out and add them to their trees. Patterns include snowflakes, numbers, letters, faces, shapes and Christmas themed objects such as a Christmas tree. Good for young children and children with SEND.
Christmas Writing Frame

Christmas Writing Frame

There are 2 versions of this writing frame for Christmas - one shows black and white pictures and one is colour. Children can talk about the things they like at Christmas using their senses and experiences e.g. what they like to eat or watch on TV. They can then complete the sentences or draw a picture. A good resource for KS1, EYFS and SEND children. There are pictures to support children with their writing and communication.
10 Christmas Plasticine Mats

10 Christmas Plasticine Mats

10 plasticine mats for you to print, laminate and add to your writing table or corner. Each mat shows 4 words which children can match to the pictures and then make a plasticine line or use a dry marker. Useful for reading and fine motor control exercises.